sedang aku asyik stadi, jam 12.15 malam, tba2 mesej facebook masuk. drpd adik lelakiku.. katanya bapa saudaraku batuk berdarah. setengah jam kemudian, mak ayah aku pula kol, bertanyakan aku perihal tersebut..
Table 47-1: Differential Diagnosis of Hemoptysis
Source other than the lower respiratory tractUpper airway (nasopharyngeal) bleeding
Gastrointestinal bleeding
Tracheobronchial sourceNeoplasm (bronchogenic carcinoma, endobronchial metastatic tumor, Kaposi’s sarcoma, bronchial carcinoid)
Bronchitis (acute or chronic)
Airway trauma
Foreign body
Pulmonary parenchymal sourceLung abscess
Mycetoma ("fungus ball")
Goodpasture’s syndrome
Idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis
Wegener’s granulomatosis
Lupus pneumonitis
Lung contusion
Primary vascular sourceArteriovenous malformation
Pulmonary embolism
Elevated pulmonary venous pressure (esp. mitral stenosis)
Pulmonary artery rupture secondary to balloon-tip pulmonary artery catheter manipulation
Miscellaneous/rare causesPulmonary endometriosis
Systemic coagulopathy or use of anticoagulants or thrombolytic agents