Tuesday, December 27, 2011


sekadar perkongsian untuk kita sama2 jadi manusia yang menggunakan akal untuk berfikir...

td kelas dengan sorang doktor pakar kesihatan keluarga. bincang ttg contraceptive method (cegah hamil).

DR.F : when did the contraceptive method was introduced? which era?
aku pun jawab memcah keheningan yang menyelubungi para student dengan menjawab "the era of prophet muhammad"
dr. F : hmm, ya.. so what kind of method did they use that time?
aku : withdrawal (azal)
dr.F : ok, true, dats the natural method. that include calendar n symptoms method. but actually its started even before that. i mean which century? 20's? 30's?

then there was a pin drop silent indicates that none of the students have any idea about that.

dr.F : it was around 1916 right? what was happen dat time?
one of the student was making a try : world war..hehe
dr. F : (smiling)... was it? world war? ok, so where do u think the contraceptive methods introduced? which country?
student : china..
mr F : hmm, nope..
student : .....
dr. F : it was actually started in europe. u know why? that time, women think that it was unfair for them compared to the men. becoz both of them enjoy the excitement of sex but only women got the consequences (pregnancy). so they started thinking how to overcome the situation. so they introduced contraceptive methods including the condoms, diaphragm n develope scientific research about that.. but we as muslim, do we accept that?
student : its ok in some purpose. for example, the parents want to space the children becoz they want to plan for education for the children.
dr. F : good.
. so is there any method that is not allowed in islam?
aku : permanent method like vasectomy and tubectomy.
dr.F : ya.. so is there any evidence that contraceptive method is allowd in islam?
aku : ya, there was a hadith which saying that there was a companion of rasulullah came to him and told him that he practiced azal and rasululullah did not object the method. means he allowed contraception in that kind of way.
dr.F : excellent! actually there were some narrations and differ , but we can take that one. some narrations said it was not allowed.
dr. F : so why do u think the purpose of WHO introduce contraceptive method to all countries?
student : to limit the population.
dr. F : good! so why they want to limit the population? dont u feel angry when they want to limit the poplulation in your country? meanwhile your country is not belongs to them, our country is ours. so why must they limit us? and why must we follow them? i want all of u to think critically..
student : they want to limit the population may be because of economic factor. maybe due to increasing index of poverty in the population.
dr. F : do u think God create this alam with poverty? can u please name what asset do malysia has?
student : paddy field, petroleum, rubber estate..
dr. F : ya! and much more.. so why must people limit the population just becoz they afraid of poverty? God never create us with lacking.. so who do u think actually making the existence of poverty?
student : GOVERNMENT!!
DR. F : (laugh politely). hmm, actually the system right? orang kaya makin kaya, org miskin makin miskin. kekayaan bumi tak diagih dengan seadilnya. dont u think so? ada ke org kaya nak bg duit dia kat org miskin? not likely right?
student : (very2 agree)
dr. F " ok, now i want to ask, which country leads the economy?
student : CHINA!
DR. f : GOOD.. so what do u think make them leads the world economy?
student : (silent... no idea..)
dr. F : its becoz menpower right? becoz of large population, they have more menpower, they work more, they produce more and they lead the world economy. so can u think the consequence of contraception to our country? its actually to make us weak.. its all ZIONIST PLAN!

those written above are some valuable lessons i got today from my lecturer. i admire her very much. she married an english man but masih kekalkan jati diri muslim dan melayu nya walaupun telah tinggal di europe selama 17 tahun.. subhanallah..

summary of this entry :

boleh nak jarakkan kehamilan tapi jangan hadkan.. kerana apa yg rasulullah sarankan tu mmg the best la. rasulullah kata baginda bangga dengan umat yg ramai, hikmahnya more men power, lg ramai org bekerja n productivty lg hebat, buktinya negara china.
pastu, perempuan bkn islam fight untk contraceptive method sbb taknak mengandung. bg mereka mengandung tu adalah kesan buruk ke atas mereka yg mana kesan tu takde pada lelaki. mereka rasa tuhan tidak adil . jika kita tgk , apa yg islam suru tu mmg cantik. dengan perkahwinan, both lelaki n perempuan kena bertanggunjawab dengan hasil keseronokan mereka. so tiada istilah tidak adil. in islam, the purpose of sex adalah to build the next generation n the excitement is the 'side effect' . but in non muslim culture, for them , the purpose of sex is for enjoyment, excitement and mereka anggap anak adalah 'side effect' (note : side effect = kesan sampingan)

cantik kan islam...

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