selepas berpisah that day, he went back home. that night he SMS me saying that the fever spiked again. that was expected. me myself took care of him, and i saw his fever on and off. ALLAH, please take care of him.. i wish i were beside him again that night so that i can help to reduce the temperature meskipun hanya dengan cara tuam dengan air suam.
i asked him to eat some food and take two tablets of PCM that i gave him. and also ask him to apply the coolfever patch. he did those. from my place which about 70km apart, i prayed to ALLAH please take care of him. why do i really worried are because he lives with his friends in dengue-prone area. some of his friends do got dengue fever several times. and i noticed some red spots on his body last night. that why i ask him to get blood test on third day of fever.
the next day, in the morning, he message me saying that the fever still high. and he get worse. that time i was so busy preparing my class with dato' (our faculty dean). i left my residential college for hospital at 7.15, bcoz dato' wants us to be in the ward at 7.30. when he SMS me, i just can reply him "im in the ward,i ll cntct u later" . then i was only manage to make a call for him in the noon. his voice sounds 'feverish' but he claimed that he's getting better. im not really happy with that news because the fever usually spiked at night(nocturnal variation). i wish i can take care of him.
that night when i was in the ward doing my 'over-time' , he rang me ask how was i doing. mcm nak tanya2 khabar2 gitula.. biasala suami isteri berjauhan ni, cinta yang mekar lebih sikit. huu.. then i asked about his condition. he claimed that his fever getting better but there were generlized rashes throughout his body which was described as red spots.
on and off fever, body aches, nausea, rashes ... all these features may suggest dengue fever. plus he came from dengue-prone area.
today, he rang me. he said he was in Hospital Klang that time. Doctor did blood test to him and the doctor suspected him DEMAM DENGGI! i was shock but not shock.. u know what i mean... i suspected earlier than that. it's just i can do nothing for him. his platelet that time 159, still ok, but it can drop to below 100 on subsequent days. the doctor asked him to come again tomorrow for another blood test. i wish i can do venopuncture to him by myself. i wish i can interprete the result for him. but what can i do... i am miles away from him... ya ALLAH, kau jagalah suamiku, KAU tahu ya ALLAH , Kau pinjamkan dia kepadaku sebagai sokongan kekuatan untuk diriku.KAU jagalah dia untukku ya ALLAH..sesungguhnya aku tdk mampu.... ya ALLAH, kami hamba yang lemah.. ampunilah dosa kami ya ALLAH.. jadikan kami hamba2MU yang bertaqwa.. amiin...
abang, please be healthy for me.. i need u...
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